Thank you for your willingness to be a part of serving within our projects in Developing Nations. More Than A Tourist is None Profit Charity, under the auspices of The Sanctuary Ministries located in Burlington (Registered Charity in Canada, all donations are fully tax receipt-able).
Current Project: Haiti
In the light of the recent earthquake of 2010, many children have become homeless and sadly with the loss of parents, many find themselves in over crowded, under-staffed and under-funded orphanages. At present we are working with Hope & Joy of Haiti, in serving various orphanages, with repair work, clothing and much needed child care.
Extending help, we are pleased to share with you the story and successful journey of More Than a Tourist in the recently launched Floriana Wedding Dress Project. Recently 3 of our team members from Canada and 3 Haitians opened up the “Pay What You Can“ Bridal Shoppe in the heart of Port-au-Prince.
Now, for a very small fee (fee will be processed to cover the cost of dry cleaning, alterations, and provide a much needed source of income for local woman as they help within the store) brides will have the opportunity of choosing from some of the most beautiful wedding dresses on the planet.
Net proceeds from the store will go towards educating children and other needs or projects in our new neighbourhood and throughout Haiti. If you have clothes to donate (now accepting menswear, all styles of ladies’ dresses, children’s party wear and shoes) we now have somewhere
to put them – Brown Packaging and Top Shelf Shipping & Storage in Burlington, Ontario are helping us out here and there is plenty of room and willing workers at the Floriana store in Haiti to fairly distribute donations.
If you’d like to make a difference in Haiti, you may mail in your cheque to:
The Sanctuary Ministries 347 Caledon Avenue, Hamilton, ON L9C 3E1